About the Author
Children’s book author, Kathleen Cook, debuted with her first book Budgie Bird Blues. She began writing at the age of eight when she produced The Weekly Poem for her family and their friends. She wrote for her school newspaper while attending The Art Institute of Chicago’s Goodman School of Drama. She became a producer of television commercials, business films and documentaries.
The sequel to Budgie Bird Blues is now published. The Defense of Kenilworth Avenue introduces more characters from Kitty’s neighborhood. The characters’ varying personalities, aid in the success of their plan to defend themselves from invasion. Kitty’s bad temper is a life saver, Harri’s wisdom is devious, Tom’s gamesmanship is an unexpected asset, the competitive nature of the birds is bombastic, and Chris lives up to his word of honor despite his desire to do otherwise. But their well-laid plans are challenged when it is learned that the mercenaries are in their back yard!
Kathleen lives in Chicago with her husband.